Tag Archives: Meredith Bland

The Birth of a Stay-At-Home Dad

I’m the featured guest blogger on the popular “Pile of Babies” blog today! A piece I wrote called “15 Things I’ve Learned From Becoming a Stay-At-Home Dad” about the education I received during my first few months as a stay-at-home dad is being showcased by the delightfully witty Meredith Bland, on her blog. I enjoyed writing the post a great deal and look forward to writing about my parenting adventures more here. If you have arrived at “Super Eclectica” from the link on “Pile of Babies” then you might also enjoy a post from earlier this week on my blog entitled, “12 Things You Say to Your Preschooler and What Your Preschooler Hears.”  Sure it’s another list, but it doubles as an English to Preschooler dictionary.

Whether you are a new or returning visitor to “Super Eclectica,” thanks so much for stopping by.  Keep checking back for posts on a variety of topics, including my new endeavor to turn my passion for writing into my full time career.